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For information about UK Armed Forces, including organisation, equipment and manning, use the links below:

Royal Navy
Royal Air Force
Management of Defence


The following is a selection from the list of standard military abbreviations and should assist users of this site.




R & D Research and Development
RA Royal Artillery
RAC Royal Armoured Corps
RAFASUPU RAF Armament Support Unit
RAFLC RAF Logistic Command
RAMC Royal Army Medical Corps
RAP Rocket-Assisted Projectile/Regiment Aid Post
RCMDS Remote-Control Mine Disposal System
RCZ Rear Control Zone
RE Royal Engineers
rebro Rebroadcast
rec Recovery
recce Reconnaissance
Regt Regiment
REME Royal Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
RFA Royal Fleet Auxiliary
rft Reinforcement
RGJ Royal Green Jackets
RHA Royal Horse Artillery
RHQ Regimental Headquarters
RLC Royal Logistic Corps
RM Royal Marines
RMA Rear Maintenance Area/Royal Military Academy
RMAS Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
RMP Royal Military Police
RN Royal Navy
RNMC Royal Netherlands Marine Corps
RO Retired Officer
Ro-Ro Roll-On Roll-Off
RP Reporting Point
RPV Remotely Piloted Vehicle
RRF Royal Regiment of Fusiliers
RRF Rapid Reaction Forces
RSA Royal School of Artillery
RSME Royal School of Mechanical Engineering
RSS Royal School of Signals
RTM Ready to Move
RTU Return to Unit


SACLOS Semi Automatic to  Command Line of Sight
SACEUR Supreme Allied Commander Europe
SAM Surface-to-Air Missile
SAR Search and Rescue
SAS Special Air Service
SBS Special Boat Service
SDR Strategic Defence Review
Sect Section
SFOR Stabilisation Force
SH Support Helicopters
SHAPE Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
SIB Special Investigation Branch
Sig Signals
sit Situation
SITREP Situation Report
SLBM Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles
SLR Self-Loading Rifle
SMG Sub-Machine Gun
smk Smoke
SNCO Senior Non-Commissioned Officer
SOC Sector Operations Centre
SP Self Propelled/Start Point
SPS Staff and Personnel Support
Sqn Squadron
SRD System Requirement Document
SSBN Nuclear Powered Ballistic Missile Submarine
SSK Single Shot To Kill
SSM Surface-to-Surface Missile
SSN Nuclear-Powered Attack Submarine
SSVC Services Sound and Cinema Corporation
STC Strike Command
STO Survive to Operate
STOBAR Short Take-Off and Arrested Recovery
STOL Short Take-Off and Landing
STOVL Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing
SV Support Vehicles


TA Territorial Army
tac Tactical
TACC Tactical Air Control Centre
TBT Tank Bridge Transporter
TCC Turret Control Computer
TCP Traffic Control Post
TCV Troop Carrying Vehicle
TGDA Training Group Defence Agency
tgt Target
THAAD Theatre High-Altitude Area Defence
TIALD Thermal Imaging Airborne Laser Designator
tk Tank
TLAM Tactical Land Attack Missile
TLAM-C Tactical Land Attack Missile - Conventional
TLB Top Level Budget
TMA Troop Manoeuvre Area
TNA Training Needs Analysis
TOM Telemetry Operational Missiles
TOT Time on Target
TOW Tube-Launched Optically-Tracked Wire-Guided (Missile)
tp Troop
tpt Transport
TTTE Tri-National Tornado Training Establishment
TU Turkish (Turkey)
TUL Truck Utility Light
TUM Truck Utility Medium
TWS Tactical Weapon System


UAS University Air Squadron
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
U/S Unserviceable
UK United Kingdom
UKADGE United Kingdom Air Defence Ground Environment
UKADR United Kingdom Air Defence Region
UKCAOC United Kingdom Combined Air Operations Centre
UKLF United Kingdom Land Forces
UKMF United Kingdom Mobile Force
UKSC (G) United Kingdom Support Command (Germany)
UN United Nations
UNFICYP United Nations Forces in Cyprus
UNCLASS Unclassified
UNPROFOR United Nations Protection Force
URD User Requirement Document
US United States
UXB Unexploded Bomb


veh Vehicle
VOR Vehicle off the Road


WE War Establishment
WFE War Fighting Establishment
wh Wheeled
wksp Workshop
WMR War Maintenance Reserve
WO Warrant Officer
WT Wheeled Tankers


X Crossing (as in roads or rivers)




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